The New Appleton dictionary of the English and Portuguese languages /
The New Appleton dictionary of the English and Portuguese languages /
editors, Ant�onio Houaiss and Catherine B. Avery ; associate editor, Jos�e E.A. do Prado ; assistant editors, Edna Jansen de Mello Clarke [and] Fernando Ant�onio de Mello Vianna.
- New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1964.
- 2 v. in 1 (xx, 636; xx, 665 p.) ; 27 cm.
Added t.p.: N�ovo dicion�ario Appleton das l�inguas ingl�esa e portugu�esa.
pt. I. English-Portuguese -- pt. II. Portugu�es-ingl�es.
Portuguese language--Dictionaries--English.
English language--Dictionaries--Portuguese.
PC5333 / .H6
Added t.p.: N�ovo dicion�ario Appleton das l�inguas ingl�esa e portugu�esa.
pt. I. English-Portuguese -- pt. II. Portugu�es-ingl�es.
Portuguese language--Dictionaries--English.
English language--Dictionaries--Portuguese.
PC5333 / .H6