Style and interpretation;

Ferguson, Howard, 1908-

Style and interpretation; an anthology of ... keyboard music. Edited, with introductions and notes. - London, New York, Oxford University Press [1963-71] - 6 v. 32 cm.

"The music ... was written for ... virginals, harpsichord, lute-harpsichord, clavichord, fortepiano, and modern piano."

v. 1. Early keyboard music: England and France.--v. 2. Early keyboard music: Germany and Italy.--v. 3. Classical piano music.--v. 4. Romantic piano music.--v. 5 Keyboard duets: 17th-18th century.--v. 6. Keyboard duets: 19th-20th century.

63005873 //r2

Harpsichord music.
Clavichord music.
Piano music.
Clavichord music (4 hands)
Piano music (4 hands)

M21.F37 M201 / S9